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The most complete online movie database. It has info about every movie ever existed (or close to that..).

I found that the most useful feature of the site is it's rating system which allows users to vote for any movie. I always check out the ratings before I go to watch it in the cinemas. Typical rating is around 6 out of 10, any movie above 7 is quite watchable and the bests ones are obviously above 9 :)

It also has a forum to discuss about stuff such as when you need to clarify something about the story, discuss about the ending (don't read it if you haven't watch the movie), or share the joy of watching a good movie/spit on a bad movie etc.

I always check out this website too when I want to know what's the actor's name, and cross link him/her to any previous movies that they starred in. The info is just a few clicks away =)